Funny video online

Plugin “Funny video online” displays Funny video on your blog. There are over 10,000 video clips.
Add Funny YouTube videos to your sidebar on your blog using a widget.


Get plugin Funny video online


Funny photosscreenshot-2

Plugin “Funny Photos” displays Best photos of the day and Funny photos on your blog. There are over 5,000 photos.
Add Funny Photos to your sidebar on your blog using a widget.

Get plugin Funny photos


Joke of the Day

Plugin “Joke of the Day” displays categorized jokes on your blog. There are over 40,000 jokes in 40 categories. Jokes are saved on our database, so you don’t need to have space for all that information.

Get plugin Joke of the Day


Jobs Finder

Plugin “Jobs Finder” gives visitors the opportunity to more than 1 million offer of employment.
Jobs search for U.S., Canada, UK, Australia


Get plugin Jobs Finder


Recipe of the Day

Plugin “Recipe of the Day” displays categorized recipes on your blog. There are over 20,000 recipes in 40 categories. Recipes are saved on our database, so you don’t need to have space for all that information.

Get plugin Recipe of the Day


WP Social Bookmarking

WP-Social-Bookmarking plugin will add a image below your posts, allowing your visitors to share your posts with their friends, on FaceBook, Twitter, Myspace, Friendfeed, Technorati,, Digg, Google, Yahoo Buzz, StumbleUpon.

Get plugin WP Social Bookmarking